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WATER - Quality of Water is Essential

Thirsty? Why quality water is a key pillar of happiness, strength and health.

Gus Wood

Founder of H2ORIGINS

When it comes to starting your inner journey towards optimal health and performance, it is common to feel overwhelmed with mass information and advice coming from all directions of the internet and other media. Often we find there are common health trends being shared between our family and communities pitching a particular product or service with a range of different health benefits being associated. However when it comes to our personal happiness, strength and health, we could be missing a fundamental pillar...

Why water?

Well when you think about it rationally, it is clear that water is crucial to our health. Indigenous cultures around the world have known, respected and embodied this truth since their origin with the inner knowing that the health of the water is the health of the people. 

In New Zealand, one indigionous tribe honors this truth to the point where they fought for their local river to have granted the same legal rights as a human being. After 140 years of negotiation, the Māori tribe won recognition for the Whanganui river. They succeeded in their efforts in 2017 with the river called ‘Te Awa Tupua’ established with all the corresponding rights, duties and liabilities of a legal person. This case encapsulates the history and value of water with cultures honouring the truth that water truly is life.

From one side this case may seem extreme, however when we apply this lens to our own happiness, strength and health it can be understood.

Water is within us - Did you know that the average adult is made up of 60-70% water? 

According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water. The lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water. The muscles and kidneys at 79%. Even the Bones are 31% water. Overall the cells in our bodies are full of water.

With this in mind, water has the ability to dissolve so many substances and allows our cells to use valuable nutrients, minerals, and chemicals in biological processes. Water regulates the body temperature, aids in the digestive process, lubricates your joints, eliminates waste and aids in the forming of saliva.  Even the carbohydrates and proteins that our bodies use as food are metabolized and transported by water in the bloodstream. It is incredible to think about how many biological benefits water contributes to. It is a key pillar to aid the body's regeneration and recovery process. 

Overall our mind-body connection is heavily influenced by how we hydrate our cells. From the way we breathe and move, what food we consume and what fluids we choose to drink. These inputs and outputs all alter our state of being, influencing our mental health, physical strength and our overall energy we have for our lives.

As humans we rely on water for multiple aspects of our life. From cooking, cleaning, bathing and most of all we acknowledge water for drinking. From this perspective it's concerning for the average adult to really look at how much quality water one actually drinks each day. 

When we are thirsty we seek to counter this dehydration gravitating towards that extra afternoon coffee, energy drink or snack. For those who choose water we often go for bottled water at the store causing harm to our bodies and create single use waste. In addition our tap water access often doesn’t quench the thirst or taste very good, location depending.

Moreover, dehydration leads to the desire for acidic inputs that oxidise our body, rather than cleanse and nourish our internal organs with antioxidants, minerals that all beings require to survive and thrive. 

In summary the lack of consistent access to quality water is harming our internal and external landscapes. Fresh water preservation simply does not align with the current waterwork systems of the modern world. In addition there is the overarching motive for humans to prioritise convenience over quality. In relation to water governance, this shows up in urbanised areas heavily treating the water supply with chemicals such as chlorine, fluoride and other heavy chemical solutions that ensure water pollution does not ripple to the taps of one's home. However, these solutions do such a good job of this, that the water supply isn’t fit for quality hydration. The Japanese have been known to call this ‘dead water’ because all bacteria, good or bad, have been stripped from the water to ensure it is clean by the time your glass is being filled at home. (CHEMICAL vs POLLUTION).

A fluid relationship with water for happiness, strength and health.

One of the most important things you can do to improve your wellbeing is (1) drink more water consistently and (2) source clean living water. Drinking water every day is crucial to maintaining optimal health. Since your body is about 60-70% water, your organs, blood, and other bodily systems require quality hydration in order to function at their peak performance.

So what makes up quality water for quality hydration? 

"Quality hydration" refers to water that is clean and free of pollutants or contaminants, contains minerals that support proper health, and is at a very positive pH level. Ideally 8.5 - 9.5 Ph and fresh from the source. One of the most important traits is where it is sourced and then where your water is stored. This dictates how long the properties of your water supply will be active. 

For example spring water collected from the source (storage depending) can last Ideally up to 4-5 days. Refilling 20 litres for your home every week is a solid window of use. 

Advice to find quality water & Tips to drink more.

  1. Google a local spring near you & refill with a big glass / or BPA free plastic container each week. 20 Litres is ideal for a small household. Research the quality of your local spring (nutrient / mineral content).  Check out:

  2. You can also source a medical grade water ioniser for your household or workspace and connect it to your tap water supply. This technology restores tap water to an optimal state for human consumption. Removing pollutants, chemicals and restoring alkalinity and quality to the tap water supply. This is called electrolyzed reduced water. There are lots of water ionisers on the market however it is highly recommended to go with a medical grade quality unit. Contact H2ORIGINS on Facebook for more information. 

  3. Buy a glass or BPA Free water Bottle for refilling each day on the move. Drink 2 litres on average. On a good day 3 litres depending on your body weight, size and activity.

Staying hydrated is key to having more energy and performing at your best. For me personally, it’s transformed the way I operate and feel with each new day. At the foundation of my mental and physical health I incorporate simplistic foundations to thrive from. This consists of getting my ‘M.E.D.S’ flowing through my day which abbreviates into meditation, exercise, diet, and sleep. If I am aligned and present to nourishing my being with these foundational pillars, I am setting myself up to feel healthy within and thrive from these acts of self care. 

When I consider my diet, I look at what food I eat and what fluids I drink. I have noticed both these types of inputs radically affect my state of being. When attuning to how I feel, I check in with my state of mind, how my heart feels and also what my gut feeling is, especially when it comes to the fluids I consume. Naturally, water has become a big part of my diet. 

When I was 18 years old, I had open heart surgery. This sent me on a wild ride to understanding my mind and body through direct experience of poor health and lifestyle, and a desire to know what it would feel like if this lifestyle changed and I started to nourish my being. 

On this journey of recovery, I soon discovered the benefits of drinking quality water. At the time I was on medication for my heart condition. One of the main side effects of this was dehydration. With this awareness I was on a mission to learn more about the differences in water and seeking ways to source the best. Little did I know how difficult it was to source quality freshwater in our modern world. The choice then became one of local springs for refills each week, making the regular mission with a heavy 20 litre container on return. It was like a weekly water pilgrimage with each visit and I feel it has given me so much respect for water.

However, it quickly became apparent that this was not sustainable or regenerative to do all the time. From this space I started asking broader questions and learning more about the local water supply here in my hometown. With high doses of chemical treatment, the water did not taste good at all and my body would feel bloated when drinking the suggested daily intake. 

In my research, I was introduced to water ioniser technology originating out of Japan. This enabled my home water supply to be returned to an optimal state and I noticed a huge increase in energy and I really felt fluid in my body. I felt refreshed. 

This really made me question, when did I last have a glass of delicious hydrating water? 

When I took that into account, it was hard to remember if I had ever had consistent access to quality water. It has always been a city / town tap water supply that is chemically treated by the local waterworks and managed by the Government. With this awareness, I made a personal investment in a water ioniser unit so I could have fresh quality water from home consistently. 

It was a game changer. From now on I consume a lot more water and eventually awoke to the reality that it is wise to consistently hydrate my mind and body with high quality water. It is a fundamental pillar of optimal health and performance. Without quality water, my mind and body are restricted by dehydration. 

With this embodied awareness, I soon realised how many of those around me were being held back from lack of quality water in their homes and communities. Water is life and without its consistent access being available, a collective state of dehydration comes up in that particular community, town or city. My recovery process felt stronger, I started to sleep better, and I improved my body's digestion and overall improved my energy levels significantly. 

How to recognise dehydration? - Awareness Tips and Education

Dehydration occurs when water intake cannot keep up with water loss. The body will show signs of dehydration in multiple ways however the most common traits to be aware of are: 

  1. Sleepiness. 

  2. Snacking or Overeating. 

  3. Headaches. 

  4. Reduced urine production and consistently very yellow. 

  5. Muscle weakness / stiff joints / inflammation. 

  6. Thirsty. 

  7. Dry Mouth / Skin.

  8. Lack of clarity / Low energy.



Instagram: @h2origins


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